Muller's Memoranda

Asp.Net Core 3 Authentication and Authorization

** Work in Progress **

Working with the ASP.NET Core Authentication (authN) and Authorization (authZ) system can be frustrating if you're trying to do anything that doesn't closely match an available example. There are lots of how-to articles (although beware version differences), but precious little digestible writing about how the many parts interact, what the various customization points are (other than a few main ones), and even less on the philosophies that guided the architecture. I've been studying it lately and will try to fill those gaps a little as I learn more.

I've been trying to do some slightly unusual things within a Web API and its associated SPA recently. To get authN and authZ right, I really couldn't follow any readily available examples, and I hate just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks -- especially when it comes to security. So, because of the aforementioned gaps, I had little choice but to delve into the source code. That's ultimately very enlightening, and I'm thankful that it's all open source now, but it's also very time-consuming.

Let's talk about what's going on in this code. This will be a mostly bottom-up approach. First I'll touch briefly on authN vs authz. Then I'll talk about some key data structures, how they are used (authZ), and then how they're produced (authN).

I hope it will give you some mental tools to apply to your own specific authN and authZ needs.

AuthN vs. AuthZ

You can read textbook definitions of authentication vs. authorization in numerous places (including Microsoft's ASP.NET security overview referenced earlier). In the context of an ASP.NET Web app, more concretely:

The authentication subsystem examines an incoming request for evidence of identity, and when found and validated, usually translates it to the bits and pieces that make up a ClaimsPrincipal. It also drives reactions to authentication failures.

The authorization subsystem applies rules that you define, to determine whether the sender of a request has permission to do something, like retrieve or modify data. These rules primarily operate on the data in ClaimsPrincipal.

So, in a sense, this ClaimsPrincipal type is what ties the authN and authZ subsystems together. Let's examine it in some detail.

Principals, Identities, and Claims

A 'principal' refers, in this context, to the sender of a request. It represents who that person is (identity) and what we know about him or her (claims). It's represented by a ClaimsPrincipal object. During request handling, you usually reference this object as the User property of an HttpContext. The HttpContext object is usuallly accessible throughout the request processing pipeline and related machinery of ASP.NET.

Because people (or systems) can have different identities in different contexts, a ClaimsPrincipal contains multiple ClaimsIdentity objects. Each represents an "identity" of the caller. Usually, each ClaimsIdentity object is provided by one "authentication scheme", which we'll define later. You can also create and add identity objects yourself. In many systems with simple authentication needs, there is only a single identity object in a principal.

Each ClaimsIdentity object contains a list of Claim objects. A claim can be thought of as a fact about the identity, or about the person/system/thing represented by the identity. These are organized as keyword/value pairs. The string keyword is called the "claim type", and the value is also a string, which can contain just about anything. Note that ClaimsIdentity.Claims is a list, not a dictionary. Although most claims are expected to be present just once in an identity, it's also possible to have multiple values with the same claim type.

Two common examples of claim types are name and role. The specific claim type string used isn't important, but these two concepts are important in some contexts. Role-based security, for example, is explicitly supported in the auth framework, and a role claim will have as its value a role name, or a list of role names. It states that this identity can assume these roles.

The concept of claims exists in the security world outside of ASP.NET. For example, the OAuth 2 and OpenID standards (which deal, respectively, with delegation of authorization, and authentication) define some standard claims, and some of the available authentication implementations in ASP.NET Core can map claims between your desired claim arrangement and systems that implement those standards. In your own system, you may make use of those claims, or you may define your own claims that come from, say, a user database that you manage.

By the way, these three types -- ClaimsPrincipal, ClaimsIdentity, and Claim -- are defined in the .NET Core runtime. They're more basic than the ASP.NET framework for Web applications.

Next, we'll talk about the authorization subsystem, which is the primary consumer of these claims.


At its heart, ASP.NET Core authorization is claims-based. In order to determine whether a user has permission to do something or not, you usually look for claims in the ClaimsPrincipal associated with a request.

The machinery for doing this is surprisingly complicated. Let's look at what the machinery does, by default, from the top down -- where 'top' here is the middleware that you add to the request pipeline by calling UseAuthorization.

AuthorizationPolicy, IAuthorizationRequirement, and authentication schemes

TODO: Explain these low-level data structures.


See AuthorizationMiddleware. See AuthorizationPolicy.

CombineAsync basically combines all the applicable AuthorizeAttribute objects and the authorization requirements that they specify into one policy, represented as an AuthorizationPolicy object. The details of how that's done are unimportant, except for one detail which is hard to find in Microsoft documentation: All authorization requirements are ANDed. You can have multiple Authorize attributes on an endpoint method, and on its containing class, and these all end up in the metadata list for the endpoint.

Customization points:

default AuthenticateAsync

default AuthorizeAsync

default result HandleAsync

-> IPolicyEvaluator (transient) IAuthorizationService, DefaultAuthorizationService IAuthorizationPolicyProvider IAuthorizationRequirement - empty interface! IAuthorizationHandler, AuthorizationHandler AuthorizationHandlerContext AuthorizationPolicy IAuthorizationPolicyProvider, DefaultAuthorizationPolicyProvider
